



“Happy 71st National Day!”国庆节是新中国成立以来的一非常重要的节日,国的华诞,借此机会我们呈上对祖国衷心的祝福。您的满意是我们最大的荣耀OK语录网小编编辑了“国庆节快乐英文怎么说说”,欢迎阅读以下短句或许能给您的问题提供一些解决方案!


1、On this National Day, let us all remember our country's rich culture and heritage.

2、Let's make this National Day a day of peace, harmony and reconciliation among all nations and peoples!

3、Let's come together and celebrate our country's diversity and unity on National Day.

4、Let's celebrate our country's rich culture, diversity, and achievements. Happy National Day!

5、Happy National Day to the people who make our country a welcoming and hospitable place.

6、On this special day, let's unite and work together to create a better future for our country! 在这个特殊的日子里,让我们团结一致,共同创造祖国更美好的未来!

7、Happy National Day to the country that represents creativity, diversity, and opportunity.

8、Happy Birthday, China! You are the joy of our hearts and the pride of our nation. 中国,你是我们心中的喜悦和国家的骄傲。生日快乐!

9、Happy National Day, China! May your diversity, unity and history inspire the world for generations to come!

10、Let's all strive to make our nation even greater in the years to come! 让我们在未来的岁月里一起努力,使我们的国家变得更加伟大!

11、May our nation continue to move forward towards progress, development, and unity! Happy National Day!

12、May the glory of our nation continue to shine bright! Happy National Day!

13、May our nation continue to shine bright and make a mark in the global arena! Happy National Day!

14、Let us all unite and work towards the progress and development of our nation on this National Day!

15、May the Chinese society continue to promote equality, justice and human rights on this National Day and every day!

16、Happy National Day, China! May your technological advancements and innovations benefit the humanity as a whole!


17、Happy National Day, China! May your leadership, government and institutions serve the people with integrity and accountability!

18、May the red flag with the five stars wave proudly for generations to come! 愿五星红旗永远在未来的几代人中自豪地飘扬!

19、Cheers to our country, our people, and our future. Happy National Day!

20、May the Chinese transportation system continue to connect people, industries and regions for mutual benefits on this National Day and beyond!

21、Happy 71st National Day! Let's celebrate the momentous occasion and embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead.

22、Happy 71st National Day!

23、Let's celebrate the Chinese cuisine, fashion, music and arts on this National Day and beyond!

24、May the happiness and joy of this National Day bring hope and inspiration to all!

25、Let's paint the town red and gold in honour of our beloved China on this National Day!

26、Wishing you a day filled with joy, peace, and blessings on National Day.

27、Happy National Day to the citizens of our amazing nation - the land of hope and opportunity!

28、Happy National Day to my fellow countrymen! Remember, together we are stronger.

29、Rejoice and feel proud to be an integral part of this great nation!

30、Let us all work towards the betterment of our nation on this National Day and beyond!

31、May the Chinese economy continue to grow and benefit all its citizens on this National Day and beyond!

32、Happy National Day to all the brave soldiers who fight for and defend our nation!