




英语的周记 篇1

Once, my mother tells me about a story about a girl named Little Red. The girl’s grandma is eaten by a big wolf and the girl has to fight with the wolf. Since I heard the story, I am so afraid when the night comes, I dare not to go out of the house. I think there will be a wolf eating me. Now I understand it is a story.


英语的周记 篇2


July 16 20xx

It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries(杨梅). I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mothers business friends.

I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is my hometowns special product. It is well-known in china. Many people like to eat it.

July 15 20xx

It was the third day of our summer holiday. Today, there are many business in my mothers company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mothers company. I sat in my mothers office and help her answer the telephone.

While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. We should take good use of our time.

July 17 20xx

Today, I still went to my mothers office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very busy.

So I should save my money. Also I should help them.

Although I cant do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It time for me to begin to learn how to work.

July 14 20xx

It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt Im free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I dont feel lonely. But I didnt do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition.

It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.


September 11th Saturday

Today is my birthday. My mother bought me seven small candles and they are colorful and beautiful.

In the evening, I set them in my birthday cake one by one. Many friends came to celebrate my birthday. I was very happy.

When I blew out the small candles, all my friends said, "Wang Bo, happy birthday to you!" In the end, all of us got dancing happily.

I enjoyed a happy birthday!


Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed.

Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.


As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends.

This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.


There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness).

Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.


Justin bieber is my idol,He is a man is rapidly rising canada, the teenager singer, was born 94, he is my idol is because he was singing and dancing are all very well, I want to learn from him. and he is a filial, it is worth studying, he is a very serious person, so i love him. and he himself very smart, i think he is worth our study.

英语的周记 篇3

Today,the supermarket is being popular,people like to go there shopping,before,people would choose to go shopping in the open market,now things have changed.The reasons why people like to go shopping in the supermarket are various.First,supermarket has all kinds of things.People can buy what they want,like the food and clothes,different zones sell different stuffs.People can go to the zone as they want.Second,supermarket is very convenient.As the things are so focused,people can find what they need quickly.Nowadays,people are living in fast pace,so they are very busy with their work,they don’t have much time to go shopping.While the supermarket can save them a lot of ping in the supermarket is the trend.



英语的周记 篇4


One thing in the winter vacation (1)

I never understood why adults had no faith in us. This is one of the things that happened in the winter vacation.

On that day, I had a whim to play with my digital camera. Because of the mess, I just put it on the computer and d the pictures I had taken indiscriminately.

In the evening, when mother took the camera to see, it was found that the photos taken during the Spring Festival were not d. She asked me and my brother sternly: "the two of you, who d the photos?"." I quickly explained: "during the day I play, and then put on the computer to some, but I just d my photos, did not other. And when I took it out, the picture was still there......" "Not the two of you. Who else?" Take a good picture and cut it out like this......" Mom did not explain by me that we d, but I did not , I what to do! We are always wrong, like a few days ago, when I was learning in her sleep, did not see, she woke up and has been studying time, saw me playing, say I am not learning, play time is too much learning time. Really, don't understand clearly on the chaos wronged others, I used to see sitting at the computer desk, always said that I was playing, but I see clearly in writing, besides, homework can not play for a while? Always learning, learning!

I don't care about my mother, anyway, she is sure that we did, anyway, I did not , did not , how can such?! Now my mother was interrogating his brother, and his brother never touched his camera today. It was a very small thing, but it made me very unhappy.

Mom, there is little trust is good for us, we always do not doubt, what is a clear understanding of the decision, not insisted that we do well?

Winter vacation life (two)

Happy time always flies, imperceptibly, a rich and colorful happy winter holiday has flew from my eyes, but I remember most is the impression in the village that grandpa drums.

On the day of Lunar New Year's thirty, the weather was everywhere, and everyone was beaming with joy. After breakfast, my grandfather took me to the village on the bridge, go to the drums. Just to find out, the gongs and drums team is poor, the captain of the grandfather did not arrive. Grandpa started immediately after he arrived.

"Qi a long boom choke...... Long boom choke ah, really good yo! In my heart beat with the rhythm of the drum, is enough, a chapter finished, alas, again good, really want to eat a listen. I looked at grandpa with expectant eyes. Grandpa seemed to read my mind and beat it again. "A long Dong Qi Qi Long Dong a choke, choke......" More and more people came to see Grandpa, they also more knock more brilliant, getting happy, very fast, second times over. The uncle's home because unfortunately hit the small things to go back to the band, the crowd is not, how to do? Then grandpa said: "we have qualified successors to the home! Granddaughter! Up!" But I never touched the gongs and drums, but grandpa always said save the field like fire fighting, I have to bite the bullet. An old lady next to me told me, "little girl, just follow the beat, don't worry!" That's what I've got in mind.

The gongs and drums sounded again. At the beginning, I'm afraid not beat, not hard beat, just slowly pondering in the heart beat, listened carefully to the rhythm, because I am a person afraid of mistakes and disrupt the global. Grandpa gave me a look of encouragement, soon, I gradually familiar with the rhythm, I will go play with drums sonorous like that in my heart burst in splash out, I completely immersed in the festive sound of gongs and drums.

This is part of my happy winter vacation! This year's new year, I am very happy!

英语的周记 篇5

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.

I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.




英语的周记 篇6









英语的周记 篇7


作为英语专业的大学生, 我很荣幸能够进入英语专业相关的岗位实习。 相信每个人都有 第一天上班的经历, 也会对第一天上班有着深刻的感受及体会。 尤其是从未有过工作经历的 职场大学们。 头几天实习,心情自然是激动而又紧张的,激动是觉得自己终于有机会进入职场工作, 紧张是因为要面对一个完全陌生的职场环境。刚开始,岗位实习不用做太多的工作,基本都 是在熟悉新工作的环境,单位内部文化,以及工作中日常所需要知道的一些事物等。对于这 个职位的一切还很陌生,但是学会快速适应陌生的环境,是一种锻炼自我的过程,是我第一 件要学的技能。 这次实习为以后步入职场打下基础。 第一周领导让我和办公室的其他职员相 互认识了一下, 并给我分配了一个师父, 我以后在这里的实习遇到的问题和困难都可以找他 帮忙。 一周的时间很快就过去了, 原以为实习的日子会比较枯燥的, 不过老实说第一周的实习 还是比较轻松愉快的,嘿嘿,俗话说万事开头难,我已经迈出了第一步了,在接下去的日子 里我会继续努力的。生活并不简单,我们要勇往直前!再苦再累,我也要坚持下去,只要坚 持着,总会有微笑的一天。虽然第一周的实习没什么事情,比较轻松,但我并不放松,依然 会本着积极乐观的态度,努力进取,以最大的热情融入实习生活中。 虽然第一周的实习没什么事情, 比较轻松, 但我并不放松, 依然会本着积极乐观的态度, 努力进取,以最大的热情融入实习生活中。


过一周的实习,对自己岗位的运作流程也有了一些了解,虽然我是读是英语专业,但和 实习岗位实践有些脱节, 这周一直是在给我们培训那些业务的理论知识, 感觉又回到了学校 上课的时候。虽然我对业务还没有那么熟悉,也会有很多的不懂,但是我慢慢学会了如何去 处理一些事情。在工作地过程中明白了主动的重要性,在你可以选择的时候,就要把主动权 握在自己手中。 有时候遇到工作过程中的棘手问题, 心里会特别的憋屈, 但是过会也就好了, 我想只要积极学习积极办事, 做好自己份内事, 不懂就问, 多做少说就会有意想不到的收获,

只有自己想不到没有做不到。 第二周实习快结束了,来这里有一段时间了,虽然同事们都很好,工作也轻松,对工作 的环境有一定的了解,但真正在这里生活了,还是会觉得有些不适应。与当初想象中的职场 状态似乎有些差距,我相信我会适应职场生活。


不知不觉进入了实习的第三周,生活还在慢慢的适应,每天按部就班的工作。除了学习 岗位相关的业务知识, 我还加强大学英语专业相关知识与自己岗位相结合, 努力让英语专业 相关知识应用到实际工作中。实习不想在学校,很多工作遇到的很多问题都只能自己钻研, 不过好在有很多资料可以查, 大学里学习的英语专业相关知识能够帮上忙, 也不枉大学的学 习。不懂时就查查资料,也培养了自学能力,同时了解许多相关的知识,一举多得。 经过 2 个多星期的正式实习工作, 我已经慢慢适应这样的作息和工作方式了。 以前在学 校的时候,有时候偷懒或者身体不适,就会请假或者逃课,老师也会很理解很包容我们这群 他眼里的“没长大的孩子” 。但是现在开始上班,同事中没有人再会把我们当成孩子,也不 会像老师那样宠溺和包容我们。不管是谁,迟到都是会受到领导的批评。所以每天早上都不 敢偷懒,准时起床去上班,有时候为了不迟到,不吃早饭都是常态。为了给大家留下好的印 象,我都要提早去办公室,把办公室清扫一下,再给大家打上热水。虽然都是一些微不足道 的小事情,但是也算是给这个办公室做出的一些贡献。 第三周实习快结束了,我相信下个星期我能做得更好,每天进步一点点。


这周头一天星期一, 我终于接到实习以来的第一个真正的工作任务。 虽然在这儿实习了 快一个月了, 但是工作的内容无非是协助同事, 帮帮忙, 打打杂。 大部分的时间都是闲着的, 我的师父今天终于分配给我第一个工作任务, 我充分利用了大学里面学习的英语专业相关知 识,把第一个任务圆满完成。师父说,通过他的观察,说我态度积极,并且耐的住性子,已 经初步通过了他的考验,所以分配给我一个工作任务,对我进行进一步的考验。这个看似简 单的工作任务就是耐心和细心,一个小小错误就会导致所有的错误。我想说,师父,我准备

好了,我会认真完美的完成这个任务的,一定不会让您失望。 接下来几天,开始正式接手相关工作,因为是新人,所以在实际执行过程中有很多的缺 陷与不足,还好有师傅的指导,我顺利地完成了工作任务。几天的实习加学习使我深刻感觉 到,以前自己对课本的知识掌握的不够透彻,也不能很好的将理论与实际相结合。感觉有很 多东西要学习,所以总是感觉时间不够用。因此,我给自己制定了一些计划和目标,首先了 解现行的一些规范、看英语专业相关书籍、学会熟练使用办公软件,掌握工作方面的细节问 题,努力提高自己的工作修养。


转眼之间,实习已经过去了一个多月。经过几天的忙碌,终于完成了实习以来的比较大 工作任务,而且是比规定的时间提前了一天。为了确保这个工作任务完成的更加完美,我对 任务的各个环节进行了不下十遍的检查,确保不出现一个错误。 星期三的早上,因为紧张又因为兴奋,很早的就跑去上班,将做好之后的数据放在师父 的桌子上,等待师父的检查。在等待师父到来的这段时间里,时间好像变得特别慢,每一分 钟都好像在跟我作对,就是过不去的感觉。后来师父终于来到了办公室,我假装镇定的跟师 父说,任务已经做好了,放在你桌子上了。师父只是微微的点了点头,说,知道了。这多少 有点让我失望和担心, 师父完全没有说什么时候会去检查, 也没有布置给我下一个工作任务。 之后我又再次陷入了无所事事的工作状态。 在空闲时间,结合英语专业,我努力学习与岗位相关的知识,为以后的工作打下牢固的 基础。要多想多思考多问、多问 why;对知识要学精学透,不能广而不精。最重要的是建立 起自信,相信自己。给自己准确定位,并朝着这个方向不懈努力。记得一定要言出必行,说 到做到!