



What is your opinion on social media?考试的目的在于选拔,每一个考试的目的在于筛选,考试是对学生学习情况进行核查的重要手段。对考试毫不上心的人未来是会后悔的,愿你的考试成绩如期而至理想前程,经过编辑的整理这里是一些关于听说考试文案的重要资料,读了这些句子后你应该会从中获得一些益处!

1、What is the total duration of the English listening and speaking test?

2、How do you handle criticism and feedback?

3、I'm sorry, I don't have enough information to answer that.

4、Let me clarify what you're asking me.

5、What should I do if I don't understand a particular question or instruction during the exam?

6、What is the purpose of this article?

7、What happens if I pass the English listening and speaking test, but later it is discovered that I cheated?

8、Can you recommend ways to practice writing essays?

9、How will the speaking portion be conducted? Will there be an interviewer present or will I be recording my responses?

10、I need to pay attention to the given definitions during the exam.

11、What is your opinion on renewable energy?

12、Can you talk about a time when you had to be adaptable?

13、You will be given one sheet of scrap paper to use during the exam.

14、Will I need to read any instructions before beginning the listening section?

15、Can you provide some additional information on this topic?

16、Sorry, I didn't hear the last part.

17、How do you handle a difficult situation or conflict with someone else?

18、What is the passing score for the exam?

19、Will there be any visuals or pictures to accompany the listening portion of the exam?

20、Do you prefer to work independently or in a group? Why?

21、I didn't quite catch what you said.

22、Can I bring food or drinks with me to the testing center?

23、Sorry to interrupt, but could you explain that again?

24、How can I improve my writing skills?

25、Let me think about that for a moment.

26、Have you ever used English language apps or online resources to enhance your skills?

27、How can I reduce my anxiety during the speaking test?

28、Can I listen to the recording more than once during the exam?

29、Do you prefer travelling alone or with friends? Why?

30、Let me make sure I'm clear on what you're asking.

31、I don't think I have the necessary background knowledge to answer that.

32、Sorry, I didn't quite understand the question. Could you rephrase it?

33、If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

34、The exam will determine my final grade in the class.

35、I need to review my notes before answering.

36、Can you talk about a time when you had to show resilience?

37、How long do I have to wait to take the English listening and speaking test again if I fail?

38、I need to be confident during the exam.

39、How can I prepare for the English speaking test without a native speaker to help me?

40、I need to review the information before answering.

41、What are some of the challenges you face in your studies?

42、Will I be allowed to leave the exam room during the exam?

43、I need a bit more time to think about that. Can we take a break?

44、I need to read the questions carefully before answering.

45、Please do not leave the exam room until everyone has finished.

46、I need to focus on my weaknesses before the exam.

47、Have you ever experienced culture shock? Can you share your story?

48、Can you talk about a time when you had to be creative?

49、Can you discuss a time when you had to overcome a fear?

50、So, the main idea is...

51、How will the exam change in the future?

52、Can you talk about a time when you had to be a good communicator?

53、Is there a sample or practice test available for the English listening and speaking test?

54、Can you suggest strategies to improve my listening comprehension of difficult accents?

55、Please do not cheat on the exam.

56、Can you talk about a time when you had to show respect?

57、Will there be any change to the English listening and speaking test due to COVID-19?

58、What are the requirements for individuals with disabilities taking the English listening and speaking test?

59、Can you slow down a little bit?

60、Do you think technology has improved our lives or made things worse?

61、How do you think we can promote diversity in society?

62、Can I use a dictionary during the speaking section of the exam?

63、I'm not confident in my answer. Can you review my work?

64、I need to stay focused on the exam until I finish.

65、How does the author use repetition to create emphasis?

66、Can you speak louder, please?

67、Can you give me some more details to help me answer the question?

68、Do you think studying with a language exchange partner is beneficial?

69、I need to arrive at the exam room early.

70、I see your point, but I still think...

71、Can you describe your favorite book or movie in English?

72、How long is the listening section of the exam?

73、That's a tricky question. Let me see if I can answer it.

74、What is your opinion on social media?

75、How can I use the exam results to improve my language skills?

76、I'm not sure what you're asking.

77、How can I improve my vocabulary usage in speaking and writing?

78、How can I ensure that I am well-prepared before arriving at the testing center?

79、Let me make sure I understand your question correctly.

80、Do I need to follow any specific format when answering the questions in the listening section?

81、I need to bring a pencil and an eraser for the exam.

82、Could you give me a minute to gather my thoughts?

83、Have you ever volunteered or done community service? What did you do and what did you learn from it?

84、Please make sure to bring a pencil with you to the exam.

85、The exam will be divided into three sections.

86、What is the main problem that the protagonist faces?

87、Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

88、How long will I have to wait for my English listening and speaking test certificate?

89、I hope to pass the exam with a good grade.

90、Could you speak a bit slower, please?

91、What kind of writing skills will be assessed in the listening and speaking section?

92、What's the significance of this historical event?

93、Will the English listening and speaking test be offered only in English?

94、Please do your best and good luck!

95、What is the significance of the protagonist's internal conflict?

96、How do you think technology is changing the world?

97、The teacher will not give you any hints or clues during the exam.

98、How do you plan to spend your summer vacation?

99、Sorry, I have to think about that one for a moment.

100、You will be given a break midway through the exam.

101、Please do not use any correction fluid on the answer sheet.

102、How much time do you spend practicing your pronunciation?

103、Can I use a calculator during the English listening and speaking test?

104、Can I bring a translator with me to the testing center?

105、What kind of resources are available for preparing for the exam?

106、I'm sorry, I don't understand.

107、That's a tough question. Let me try to break it down.

108、How many times do I need to speak during the English speaking test?

109、Can I receive a refund if I need to cancel my exam?

110、How do you handle stress and pressure during exams?

111、How will the exam results be used by universities or employers?

112、I need to improve my ability to recognize the main idea in a text.

113、If you could live in any time period, which one would you choose and why?

114、Please make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting the exam.

115、I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that. Could you repeat the question?

116、Can I get a tutor to help me prepare for the exam?

117、Let me get my thoughts in order before I answer that.

118、Can you help me understand how to solve this problem?

119、How many points are deducted for incorrect answers on the English listening test?

120、I'm not sure if I have enough information to answer that.

121、How do you think we can address the issue of poverty?

122、I think I need a bit more context to answer that.

123、What topics should I focus on when practicing listening and speaking skills for the exam?

124、I'm not sure about that. Let me check my notes.

125、Sorry, I'm having a hard time focusing. Could you say that again?

126、Can I request extra time for the exam if I have a disability or accessibility issue?

127、How does this sentence relate to the rest of the text?

128、Can you suggest ways to improve my pronunciation of difficult sounds?

129、Please do not write anything outside of the designated answer spaces.

130、What is the significance of the opening line?

131、You will not be given extra time to complete the exam.

132、Can you suggest ways to improve my intonation and stress?

133、We are not allowed to cheat during the exam.

134、Could you give me a clue to the answer?

135、What's your opinion on this issue?

136、Can you discuss a time when you had to be a problem solver?

137、What motivates you in life?

138、I need to apply the skills I've learned throughout the semester during the exam.

139、What lessons have you learned from your experiences?

140、Can you give me an example of that?

141、How does the author use the theme of identity to develop character?

142、How can I find a testing center near me?

143、How do you think we can address the issue of homelessness?

144、Can you suggest resources to expand my knowledge of literature and literary devices?

145、Is it possible to change the date or time of the English listening and speaking test after registering?

146、What is the passing score for the English listening and speaking test?

147、I'm not sure I understand the concept.

148、I need to use examples and case studies in my responses during the exam.

149、That's a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

150、Could you explain it in simpler terms?

151、I need to make a keener observation on the questions.

152、Can you compare and contrast these two concepts?

153、Could you rephrase the question, please?

154、Can I appeal to have my English listening and speaking test results reviewed?

155、I want to learn more about the history of the language.

156、I need more practice.

157、Can you give me a moment to think about it?

158、I'm not sure if I'm on the right track with this. Can you confirm?

159、What does equality mean to you?