




1、Happy National Day, let us stand together with pride and dignity!

2、Let's work together to build a stronger and brighter future for our Nation! Happy National Day!

3、Best wishes for a bright and promising future on National Day!

4、May the glory of our country continue to shine bright always! Happy National Day!

5、May the blessings of peace, harmony, and love fill your hearts on this National Day.

6、Let's strive to become a generation that builds on their legacy and advances their vision.

7、On National Day, let's remember the legacy of our country's forefathers and honor their contributions.

8、Here's to a National Day filled with joy, hope and patriotism with family, friends and loved ones!

9、Happy National Day to a country that is filled with diverse people and vibrant cultures!

10、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our national cuisine on National Day! 让我们在国庆节上庆祝我们的民族美食的多样性和丰富性!

11、Let's come together to celebrate our Nation's achievements on this special day!

12、Happy National Day! Here's to another year of growth, progress and development.

13、Happy National Day! Here's to another year of progress, growth and success.

14、Happy 72nd birthday, China! Let's raise our flags high and celebrate this great nation.

15、Here's to the freedom, peace and unity of our beloved Nation! Happy National Day!

16、May our country soar to greater heights and achieve even greater success in the years ahead! 愿我们的国家未来更加辉煌,更加成功!

17、Happy National Day! Let's celebrate our shared achievements and work towards a brighter future for our great nation. 国庆快乐! 让我们庆祝我们所共享的成就,并为我们伟大的国家努力前行。

18、Let us celebrate this National Day with gratitude and pride for our country!

19、Let's join hands and celebrate the spirit of independence and freedom on this National Day!

20、Let us celebrate the freedom and democracy that our nation stands for on this National Day!

21、May our country continue to promote social justice, equality, and human rights on National Day! 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续推动社会公正、平等和人权!

22、May our nation continue to flourish and blossom in peace and harmony! Happy National Day!

23、Let's embrace our national pride and celebrate our country's progress and achievements on National Day!

24、Happy National Day to all those who have worked hard to make our Nation a happier, safer and more prosperous place!

25、Let's take pride in our national heritage and culture on this National Day! 让我们在国庆节上为我们的民族传统和文化感到自豪!

26、Happy National Day to the best country in the world! Let's continue to strive for greatness! 祝全球最好的国家国庆快乐!让我们继续为伟大而奋斗!

27、Let's cherish and protect our land and resources on National Day!

28、Happy National Day to all those who have worked tirelessly to make our Nation a better place to live!

29、May our country's unity and diversity be celebrated on National Day and always!

30、Let's cherish the many accomplishments and achievements of our nation on National Day!

31、Warm wishes for a happy and prosperous National Day!

32、Here's to a strong and powerful Nation! Happy National Day!

33、May our country always shine bright and prosper in peace and security! Happy National Day!

34、On this National Day, let us remember those who fought for our freedom!

35、May our country continue to promote cultural exchange and friendship with all nations on National Day! 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续推动与各国的文化交流和友谊!

36、Wishing you a happy and joyful National Day with your family and friends!

37、Happy National Day to all the heroes who have fought for our country's independence and freedom!

38、Happy National Day, a time to celebrate the best of our nation!

39、Wishing you all a happy and unforgettable National Day with your loved ones! 祝你和你的亲人们共度难忘的国庆佳节!

40、Cheers to the freedom and sovereignty of our nation on National Day!

41、May the spirit of patriotism fill your heart on this National Day!

42、Happy National Day to our environmentalists who protect our natural resources and preserve our planet! 祝我们的环保工作者国庆快乐,感谢他们保护我们的自然资源,保护我们的星球!

43、May the bond of friendship and kinship among our citizens grow stronger on National Day!