





2、Our country represents the triumph of democracy over dictatorship and the rule of the people over the tyranny of the few.

3、意思: 你读的越多,你就会知道的事情越多。你学的越多,你就会去更多的地方。

4、意思: 你不必非常出色才能开始,但你必须开始才能变得出色。

5、Great is our country and great is our people. Let us work together to make it even greater.

6、◆friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, ent、 if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers、 ◇金秋是收获的季节,金秋是诱人的时刻。愿你收获永远如金秋的硕果,愿你欢笑永远如盛开的鲜花。


8、意思: 不要让昨天占据今天太多的时间。



11、意思: 生活的10%取决于我们遭遇了什么,90%取决于我们如何对待它。


13、The air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote、 Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer a National Day holiday period、 把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。




17、I wish the great motherland stronger and stronger, and the people of the motherland better and better every day、 I wish you and my pocket are expanding day by day、 I wish our lover health and beauty、 祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。


19、Time goes by, friends live together, and life goes hand in hand with you、 Happy birthday to you on National Day! 岁月相伴,友情相守,人生四季与你携手。国庆节,祝你快乐到永久!

20、Our country is blessed with abundant natural resources and a diverse population of talented individuals.

21、Let us never underestimate the power of unity and work together towards a brighter future for our motherland! 让我们永远不要低估团结的力量,共同迎接我们祖国更加光明的未来!

22、I will fill the letter with full blessing, and send you with you far away on the national day、 I wish you a happy National Day、 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。祝您国庆节快乐,心想事成,事业蒸蒸日上!


24、Best wishs to my country 致以我的祖国美好的祝福。

25、May our motherland continue to flourish and prosper! 愿我们的祖国继续繁荣昌盛!

26、Our country's success is a reflection of the strength and resilience of its people.

27、The spirit of our motherland is embodied in the resilience and strength of its people, who can overcome even the greatest challenges! 我们祖国的精神体现在其人民的韧性和力量中,他们可以克服最大的挑战!


29、I really love you、 On the beautiful national day, I must tell you my heart、 Will you sit with me until dawn this national day? 我真的很爱你,在美丽喜庆的国庆节,我一定要跟你说出我的心里话。今年的国庆节你陪我一起坐到天亮好吗?


31、Our country's future lies in the hands of its young people, let us nurture and guide them towards creating a better tomorrow.

32、意思: 成功是在失败与失败之间跌跌撞撞,但并没有丧失热情。

33、With the National Day approaching, I would like to send you a complete blessing、 I hope you can feel relaxed and happy during the holiday、 The whole family will be happy and happy、 国庆将至,在此特送上一份圆满的祝福给你,愿你在假日里能体会到轻松和快乐,全家团员,幸福美满。

34、Let us work towards creating a society where every citizen can realize their full potential.


36、Our country's history is a rich tapestry of triumphs, struggles, and progress.

37、Let us work towards creating a better future for our children and their children, a future where our motherland is a beacon of hope and opportunity for all! 让我们朝着为我们的孩子和他们的孩子创造一个更美好的未来努力,一个未来,我们的祖国是所有人的希望和机会之光!

38、意思: 成功不是幸福的关键。幸福是成功的关键。如果你热爱自己所做的事情,你就会成功。

39、National Day gives you a happy continent, planted everywhere with lucky trees, sweet dates are ripening, the fields harvest auspicious grain, colorful birds dancing, with happy notes in their mouths, voices wish you health and happiness、 国庆国庆举国同庆,祝你与爱人相亲相敬,实现理想奋进不停,平安健康阳光心情,生活美满事业长兴,幸福大道一片光明!

40、Let us work together to build a strong and prosperous country! 让我们共同努力,建设一个强大和繁荣的国家!

41、Our country represents the triumph of democracy, equality, and justice over tyranny and oppression.

42、意思: 我们不能帮助每个人,但每个人都可以帮助某个人。

43、The future of our country lies in the hands of its youth, let us encourage and empower them to create a better tomorrow.


45、Welcome another dawn, bring new air、 The breath changes the sentiment, the greeting is full of friendship、 National Day wishes you good luck、 Happy National Day! 迎接另一个晨曦,带来全新空气。气息改变情味不变,问候充满情谊。国庆祝福你,愿你吉祥如意。国庆快乐!


47、Let us never forget the struggles and hardships that our ancestors endured to build the foundation of our motherland! 让我们永远不要忘记我们的祖先为建设我们祖国的基石所经历的斗争和艰难!

48、May our country continue to soar to greater heights and achieve new milestones.

49、I hope the motherland is more and more prosperous、 I am proud of being a Chinese、 I will study hard and be a moral teenager! 希望祖国越来越兴旺,我为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲,我要努力学习,做一个有道德的青少年!


51、A tramendous dragon in east of Asia,东方升起的巨龙。

52、I wish you a lot of happiness、 I wish you a lot of money in the golden week、 愿你喜事不断,向黄金周要一些财气,愿你财富连连,国庆节快乐!
