





1、Happy National Day to the land of innovation and creativity! 祝创新和创意之地国庆快乐!

2、May this National Day be a time for us to come together as one people and support each other! 愿这个国庆节成为我们团结一心、互相支持的时刻!

3、Happy National Day! May our country continue to shine bright like a diamond.

4、Let's honor our country's healthcare workers and medical professionals on National Day.

5、May China's success and achievements inspire us all on National Day!

6、Let's cherish the freedoms and rights that our country provides on this National Day. 让我们在国庆节上珍惜我们国家提供的自由和权利。

7、Let's take a moment to appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of our country's heroes on this National Day! 让我们在这个国庆节上欣赏我们国家英雄的勇气和牺牲!

8、May our country continue to thrive and flourish on this National Day!

9、Here’s to the prosperity and progress of our beloved nation on National Day!

10、Happy National Day to the nation that never fails to inspire us with its resilience and perseverance! 祝那个通过其坚韧不拔和毅力不馁而不断鼓舞我们的国家国庆快乐!

11、May our country continue to be a beacon of hope and freedom on National Day and always!

12、May this National Day be a reminder of the sacrifices made by our forefathers to give us a better future! 愿这个国庆节提醒我们祖先为我们创造一个更美好的未来所作出的牺牲!

13、Here’s to the spirit of courage and resilience our nation embodies on National Day!

14、May the future of China be even brighter on National Day!

15、Let's embrace the beauty, power, and mystery of China on National Day!

16、Let's all come together to acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of China on this National Day.

17、May the unity of our nation remain unshakable on this National Day. 愿我们国家的团结在国庆节上坚如磐石。


18、Wishing all my friends and family a happy and peaceful National Day!

19、Let us be proud of our nation and our heritage on National Day!

20、May the blessings of peace and prosperity be with our nation on this National Day. 愿和平与繁荣的祝福伴随我们的国家度过国庆节。

21、Happy 70th National Day, China! Keep shining bright!

22、Happy 71st birthday, China!

23、May the enlightenment, empowerment, and innovation that made China great continue on this National Day.

24、Let's uphold the values of democracy, liberty, and equality on National Day.

25、Wishing you a memorable and exciting National Day!

26、Let us uphold the ideals and values of our nation on National Day!

27、Congratulating our beloved country on this National Day! 祝贺我们心爱的国家国庆节快乐!

28、Sending you my warmest greetings on National Day!

29、On this National Day, let us come together and celebrate the unity and diversity of our nation!

30、Let's celebrate our country's rich tapestry of traditions and customs on National Day.

31、Let's take a moment to remember the sacrifice and devotion of our armed forces on this National Day! 让我们在这个国庆节上记住我们武装部队的牺牲和奉献!


33、Happy National Day, my dear friend! 愿你国庆节快乐,亲爱的朋友!

34、Happy National Day! Let's continue to strive for excellence and greatness.