



There is a love, warmth, there is a caring heart to heart, there is a wanderer, poetry, ha~~我想你一定对这句话感兴趣,为此,你可能需要看看“母亲节贺卡英文祝福语精选35句”,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。


1、You may have a wish, let love sweet; You may have on wishes, to work the smooth; Today, you have to in front of the Buddha devout wishes: wish mother healthy forever peace. A mother's love is long, life is short, return good.

2、Hope today, all of the mother would smile from the heart, for children, for

3、Brilliant love day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no mother love warm; White clouds, there is no mother's love; Flower, no mother love is shining. Mom, happy holidays!

4、He knows that there are endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, mom dear arms hugged, the sweeter far than liberty.

5、The wind and rain outside tormenting me, the house under the warm sun warm I, because of the room with you, I love you mom, forever!

6、mother's day!

7、Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message bring my sincere greetings to you, actually I have been very miss you.

8、If the sky collapses, you will be the last pillar on my head.If the earth Withers, you will be the last fountain beside me.My dear mother, my heart is with you, and love is with you.Happy mother's day!

9、t only in the mother's day this genius to special to care for mother, 365 days, every day is mother's day. Hope mother can happy every day, every day happy!

10、your holiday. Mom, thank you! You were laborious! Will do my best to repay you

11、Your mother's teaching makes you grow up not bad, your mother's care makes you lovely now, your mother's care makes you very handsome, mother, I decide to wish your mother happy holidays today!

12、Mother's love in heart, warm bosom;A mother's love is at the door, a fool's watch;Mother's love in silver hair, faded into vicissitudes;Mother's love is in discourse, but also in Tibet;A mother's love is in her mother's heart.Mother's day is here, please love your mother!

13、To mother on Mother’s Day: Thank you forall of the wonderful things that you have done for me。

14、With my heart I smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead, and with my love the white hairs on your head.Mother, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your holiday, do children's wish you health and longevity.

15、happy mother's day!

16、thick of life, the crystallization of love; Your contribution to the human

17、will be thinking of you on this Mother's Day. Thanks, mom.

18、most painful I love I care about me! No other meaning, just want to say: mom,


19、to the world’s number one mom!

20、work, gave me a healthy; The pain left, gave me love; Mom, mom, I wish you a

21、Is the most beautiful face, I strive for success; Is the most beautiful smile, with my life to pursue; Is the most beautiful blessing, I pushed the end of the world. Mother's day arrived, wish my dear mother healthy and happy forever happy.

22、How much responsibility, pressure in the mother's shoulder; How much work,

23、don’t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.

24、Mom, today is a you may not remember the time and I will never forget! Mom:

25、mother's love is a kind of power, can let down potentates hopes; A

26、The sky is white clouds, overflowing with my missing, with the wind to send to you, my deep blessing: thank you for your kindness, let me healthy and happy growth;Thanks to your inculpation, let me be happy and lucky, my mother!

27、Wish every mother: may include every bit of effort you hope to achieve, and let your inculcation and dive to the influence of the children, with excellent blooms throughout the motherland!

28、Mom, I thank you gave me life, is you taught me to be the truth, no matter how in the future, I love you forever!

29、reproduction, reward: a message like testimonials, wish mother festival

30、Won't be as time goes by, will you love; Not over years of indifference, is my wish: let mother recreation holiday!

31、Than high the sky is the human mind, is a man's mind than mountain

32、Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother's Day.

33、Mama: since you will position itself in the role of wife and mother, worked

34、mother will be very safe! Don't slack off, worth for my mother! Happy mother's968OK.CoM

35、There is a love, warmth, there is a caring heart to heart, there is a wanderer, poetry, has a name called mother, mother's day is coming, message table, my heart grateful chunhui, mother offered blessings. I wish mom happy holidays!




“母亲是伞,是豆荚,我们是伞下的孩子,是荚里的豆子,母亲节快乐!”在你我平凡的工作和生活中,我们平常会分享自己喜欢的一些句子给别人,句子可以完美地表达内心的所思所想。有哪些句子是值得我们去摘抄的呢?栏目小编为大家呈上收集和整理的母亲节妈妈贺卡祝福语, 欢迎学习和参考,希望对你有帮助。

1、 有一句五月的康乃馨,好似一种清清淡淡的思念,就象母亲;天涯海角,无论我走到哪里,却总也走不出您温暖的目光——妈妈,祝你节日快乐!

2、 嗨,老妈,母亲节就要到了,我亲手为您熬了一碗孝心汤:一颗感恩心,两枚开心果,三片健康丹,四副长寿剂,五株平安草,六味幸运散。祝母亲节愉快。


4、世上娘最好,我是娘的宝;。 妈妈,母亲节将至,我用祝福给您扎了一束康乃馨:健康是花瓣,平安是花茎,幸福是花蕊,快乐是花心,祝妈妈健康平安、幸福快乐!

5、 春季,还原了我心中的空白;雨季,淋漓我等待的悲哀;凉风,彻痛我思念的筋骨;只有你,将这一切给予我,还予我呵护,妈妈;祝您母亲节快乐!



8、把爱全给了我,把世界给了我,从此不知你心中苦与乐;多想靠近你,告诉你其实我一直都懂你。妈妈,我长大了!祝您母亲节快乐! 并不是只有在母亲节这天才要“特别”去关心母亲,365天里,每一天都是母亲节。希望母亲能天天快乐,日日幸福!


10、 是母亲把我哺育长大,是母亲扶我慢慢走路,是母亲教我如何做人,我的成长历程中印下了母亲的足迹,凝聚着母亲的汗水,母亲节里,我祝福母亲健康幸福快乐!


12、 总有一种关怀让你如沐春光,总有一种目光让你懂得坚强,总有一种挂念让你无法遗忘,总有一种情怀让你学会成长,那就是母亲。愿天下母亲节日快乐!







19、 呱呱坠地,来到世间第一眼,看到的便是您温柔的笑意;牙牙学语,来到世界第一句,叫出的便是您伟大的名字,妈妈。母亲节,祝愿天下母亲永远那么美丽。







26、 关爱,永远不会走掉;宠爱,把你宠的感觉无聊。深爱,永远不要求回报;珍爱,视你如手心里的宝。母亲节将临,妈妈的爱你是否明了?愿妈妈幸福!



29、 母亲节:亲爱的妈,敬爱的妈,康乃馨表达至爱至情和感激之情!母亲节:亲爱的妈,敬爱的妈,女儿永远爱您!送祝福平安,祝您母亲节快乐!

30、 走遍千山万水,看过潮起潮落,历经风吹雨打,尝尽酸甜苦辣,始终觉得您的怀抱最温暖!不论我走多远,心中永远眷恋。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

31、 母亲是一本厚书,品不尽的是关爱,叙不完的是亲情,说不出的是感激,带不走的是记忆,读不完的是母爱的连载。祝母亲节日快乐!



34、白色代表母爱的纯洁无私;。 世界上只有一位的女性,她便是慈爱的母亲;。

35、 走过千山万水,看遍红尘纷扰,历经风风雨雨,尝尽酸甜苦辣,唯有母亲的关怀不曾动摇。今天母亲节,记得回家看看,给母亲一个真情的拥抱!



“the earth! Mother a happy holiday!”我们身处在一个高速发达的网络时代,很多人都习惯性分享一些网络上的经典句子。不同的句子,表达着我们不同的情绪。有没有哪些句子让你记忆深刻?根据你的需要,OK语录网编辑精心整理了母亲节贺卡祝福语英文版, 仅供参考,我们来看看吧!


1、you, happy to report every day, all the best with good. Bless you, dear mother,

2、happy together.

3、Roses are red,violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you.

4、day and night is, that no time to miss too many holiday, I wish you a happy

5、Destined to stick on you at the first sight, I was destined to stick on

6、the earth! Mother a happy holiday!

7、Peace I hope health grasped your hand, hold your waist, happiness around

8、thick of life, the crystallization of love; Your contribution to the human

9、hearts. Mother's day is coming, from a cup of wine, sincere wishes mother

10、mother's day!

11、goes well!

12、blooming. I wish you a happy mother's day!

13、wishes mother healthy, go in peace!

14、mother love warm; White clouds, there is no mother's love; Flower, no mother

15、return. Mother's day, wish mother always shine with the brilliance of the

16、Hope I can in this festival said to mother: mom, you were laborious, son in

17、wish you a happy mother's day!

18、atmosphere, than the sea deep is your love. Mother, mother's day is coming, let

19、happy mother's day!


20、mother will be very safe! Don't slack off, worth for my mother! Happy mother's

21、work, gave me a healthy; The pain left, gave me love; Mom, mom, I wish you a

22、Roses are red,violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for

23、Write a warm poetry, sang a moving song, painting a picture of the fresh

24、reflect on the mother's hands; How many tired, characterizations in mother's

25、You usher in the spring of life, came the birth of your son; You carry the

26、Mama: since you will position itself in the role of wife and mother, worked

27、mother; Embrace a mother's love, I want to express, express my connected to the

28、How much responsibility, pressure in the mother's shoulder; How much work,

29、Bond: my dear mother, mother's day is coming, I assure you later made money

30、reproduction, reward: a message like testimonials, wish mother festival

31、brow. Quietly pay, no return, mother's day is coming, wish mother healthy and

32、Plying, woven with love endless missing; A patchwork, with sentiment fill

33、Mama: in order to I you black hair turned white, painstakingly. Today is

34、to worry about the people you will always be your mother! To six friends, your

35、all, as long as mom happy, we are happy!

36、your holiday. Mom, thank you! You were laborious! Will do my best to repay you

37、love into my heart; A mother's love often flow I'll be yours through all the

38、luck forever.


39、bar; My joy is in your corner of the tail; My success is on your lips dimples,

40、mother youth!

41、mother's blood and flesh; A mother's love, I want to use candlelight blessing,

42、longevity and health, happy and clinking!

43、mother's love, I want to speak with flowers, tell my gratitude for his

44、Mom, today is a you may not remember the time and I will never forget! Mom:

45、to, again familiar also wish mom: happy mother's day!

46、figure, dedicated to all the great mother, wish all mothers in the world can be

47、wish mother healthy peace!

48、sunshine, I'm a flower in the flower POTS; You are a bee, I am I am a flower

49、you, although you dozen I scold I ignore me, but I know you in the world the

50、grew up was rung on your forehead; I indulge in your eyebrows is vertical

51、greatest; To the mother's day, wish mother happy life, happy, healthy body, good

52、Accompany my life, the sunsets, a mother's love; Ups and downs, a mother's

53、Scold, always love; Nagging, always showing the care; Silence, the hidden

54、happy and healthy!

55、always love you, mom!

56、Have you care about, is the luck of my life; Have a love for you, is the


在普通又不普通的生活中,大家都在分享着流行的东西,精炼短小的句子蕴含着丰富的感情,有哪些句子让人非常惊艳呢?有请驻留一会,阅读OK语录网为你整理的母亲节贺卡英文祝福语大全, 在此温馨提醒你在浏览器收藏本页。

1、Mother is a thick book, is not love, Syria is not over of affection, say a is grateful, take not to go is memory, read the serial is a mother's love. I wish my mother happy holidays!

2、He knows that there are endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, mom dear arms hugged, the sweeter far than liberty.

3、She is not a cloud, for she will not go with the wind;She's not a spray, because she won't drift.She is love - mother's love, wish the world mother happiness!

4、Brilliant love day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no mother love warm; White clouds, there is no mother's love; Flower, no mother love is shining. Mom, happy holidays!

5、Without you there is no me, no I dozens of years of sorrow, nor my spring, summer, autumn and winter laughter, thank you for giving me all the wonderful life and growth. Happy mother's day!

6、Perhaps, in our life, there are a lot of people, a lot of things, experienced turned to will forget, but in our hearts.

7、Mother love like water, fragrant intoxicated, quiet and secluded, ning and far, small trickling, the baptism of our happiness, accompanied by us through the life of the desert.Mother's day is coming, and don't forget to give warm wishes to your dear mother!

8、Without water, the fish would not live.Flowers will not bloom without light.Without you, there would be no my present;Thank you, my favorite mother.Today mother's day, bless you: wish you happiness and health!

9、On this special day, I want to say to your mother: mother happy holidays! To my mother in the future days more healthy and happy!

10、With my heart I smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead, and with my love the white hairs on your head.Mother, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your holiday, do children's wish you health and longevity.

11、Some love, buried the deeper, the more true; Some things, the longer, the more wonderful; But some love, only say, are the best. I wish mom, happy mother's day.

12、The wind and rain outside tormenting me, the house under the warm sun warm I, because of the room with you, I love you mom, forever!

13、If the sky collapses, you will be the last pillar on my head.If the earth Withers, you will be the last fountain beside me.My dear mother, my heart is with you, and love is with you.Happy mother's day!

14、The sun is the most red, the mother love is the most pure, the mother is the most, the mother's affection is higher than the sea depth, a few days, the blessing, the mother's children heart.On mother's day, I wish our mother live as long as the southern mountain.

15、The deep wrinkles, the white hair, the words of the sentence, you love my mark.To my life, to my warm angel - mother, happy holidays!

16、Mother festival, wish you happy, busy trivial housework don't too tired, a sincere feelings you most precious and wonderful life taste with a smile, "don't want to, I wish you a healthy optimistic to centenarians.

17、don’t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.

18、mother's love is like the sea, accommodate infinite, a mother's love is like day, without a trace, endless blessing world all mother, and my mom, happy mother's day!

19、Outside the wind and rain tormented me, the warm sunshine in the house warm me, because there is you, I love your mother.

20、this is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. thank you .

21、Let us give mother a little more love and care, even a fan in summer; Winter in a sweater, let mother moment feel children's care.

22、we may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.




1、i may not often say it, but i do love you.

2、Some love, buried the deeper, the more true; Some things, the longer, the more wonderful; But some love, only say, are the best. I wish mom, happy mother's day.

3、Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day isespecially for you.

4、Mother festival arrived, I would like to "the greatest mother of the" to "the most thoughtful mother's day wishes: wish longevity and health accompany you or so, joy and happiness along your side! I wish you a happy mother's day!

5、Without water, the fish would not live.Flowers will not bloom without light.Without you, there would be no my present;Thank you, my favorite mother.Today mother's day, bless you: wish you happiness and health!


7、We will try to make this your best mother’s day ever.

8、Mother, your eyes are an unforgettable spring, your hands are infinite and gentle universe, your chest is eternal bright paradise, your hair is my constant concern.Mother's day is here. Wish mom a long and happy life.

9、this is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. thank you .

10、10.I will be thinking of you on this Mother's Day. Thanks, mom.

11、There may be moms all over the world, but you're the only one that matters to me.

12、sky, no earth, no earth, no trees, no trees, no oxygen, no oxygen, no honey, no you without me, happy mother's day!

13、Without you there is no me, no I dozens of years of sorrow, nor my spring, summer, autumn and winter laughter, thank you for giving me all the wonderful life and growth. Happy mother's day!

14、In the world, the best food is "mother's food", the most beautiful is "mother's call", the warmest is "mother's thoughts", the warmest is "mother's face".Mother's day, deep thoughts and sincere wishes: may mother peace and health happiness for a hundred years!Every day sky blue bloom smiling face!

15、may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.

16、What luck! This year your birthday and Mother's Day are on the same day. This calls for a double celebration.

17、Here’s a little token of myappreciationfor all that you have done for me over the years.

18、I've tried many times to tell you, but i'll say it again: i love you mother.

19、To theworld’s number one mom!

20、The deep wrinkles, the white hair, the words of the sentence, you love my mark.To my life, to my warm angel - mother, happy holidays!

21、Carnations, may seem a little thoughts, just like her mother; The ends of the earth, everywhere I go, but never go out of your warm eyes, mom, I wish you a happy holiday!


23、There are little things that i should have said and done to show my


24、Year after year, the ups and downs, day after day, day of the setting sun, a mother's love into my heart, in this festival, from a cup of wine, sincere wishes mother longevity and health, happy and clinking.

25、Laundry cooking housework, busy all day without rest figure, unknown to public complaints never, for the son for the female life simple, mother on the occasion of the festival, children send sincere blessing I wish: mom, happy holidays!

26、The wind and rain outside tormenting me, the house under the warm sun warm I, because of the room with you, I love you mom, forever!


28、Won't be as time goes by, will you love; Not over years of indifference, is my wish: let mother recreation holiday!

29、Outside the wind and rain tormented me, the warm sunshine in the house warm me, because there is you, I love your mother.

30、this card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us chil6dren.

31、People will be tired, money will not, fame and profit will fade.But mother, for us to give up never regret, for us to work hard to not suffer water.Mother's day, I wish your mother health, happiness, also wish you a happy life!

32、Mother's Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children

33、This card is to let you know that you have done asuperjob raising us children.

34、How much responsibility, pressure in the mother's shoulder; How much work, reflect on the mother's hands; How many tired, characterizations in mother's brow. Quietly pay, no return, mother's day is coming, wish mother healthy and happy together.


36、If the sky collapses, you will be the last pillar on my head.If the earth Withers, you will be the last fountain beside me.My dear mother, my heart is with you, and love is with you.Happy mother's day!

37、Every corner of the first ray of sunshine asperses full happiness today, today the first wisp of spring breeze blowing horn of joy, today the first bell convey the message of peace, today's first blessing to my dear mother.Happy mother's day!

38、You are the one that we love the most. have a happy mother’s day.

39、Thigh it is hard to tell you sometimes, i do love you dearly, mom.

40、Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you.

41、She is not a cloud, for she will not go with the wind;She's not a spray, because she won't drift.She is love - mother's love, wish the world mother happiness!

42、Mother festival, wish you happy, busy trivial housework don't too tired, a sincere feelings you most precious and wonderful life taste with a smile, "don't want to, I wish you a healthy optimistic to centenarians.

43、Motherly love, and the sea!Mother heart, and gold!Mother's day!May all mothers in the world receive the blessings and gifts they want most!I wish my mother always happy and healthy forever!

44、With my heart I smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead, and with my love the white hairs on your head.Mother, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your holiday, do children's wish you health and longevity.




那一刻,母亲微笑的纹路,永远络印在我心上。有生命存在就有信息的传递,每天都能在朋友圈看到一些很美的句子。精简的句子却可以表达出多种内容,有哪些短句值得我们收藏?以下内容是我们特地整理的“感恩母亲节贺卡祝福语”, 欢迎品鉴!



































































“mom, thank you for being you.”人与人之间沟通最重要的环节,我们会摘抄句子,好的句子让人良言一句三冬暖,不好的句子让人恶语伤人六月寒,有哪些优美的句子值得我们借鉴呢?推荐你看看以下的母亲节贺卡英文祝福语, 仅供你在工作和学习中参考。


1、The sun does not come out still the wind and the sun, the stars do not blink still bright lights, the spring rain still moistens the heart, the flowers do not have the bud still full of spring, life is not easy still bright.Happy mother's day!

2、You usher in the spring of life, came the birth of your son; You carry the

3、sky, no earth, no earth, no trees, no trees, no oxygen, no oxygen, no honey, no you without me, happy mother's day!

4、The wind is the call of love, the rain is the union of love, the person who loves you the most is your mother!To six friends, your mother will be safe!Don't be lazy, it's worth it!Happy mother's day.

5、We would love to fix breakfast for you mom,but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out。

6、Scold, always love; Nagging, always showing the care; Silence, the hidden

7、You have given me the true meaning of life as gold, through the years of grinding, the longer and brighter.You are the land that gave me life and raised me. I love you deeply.Wish mom a happy holiday!

8、Years have spring, summer, autumn and winter, maternal love but four seasons like spring;The weather has rain and lightning, but the mother's love is always brilliant;The world has the joys and sorrows, the mother love never changes;The world has rain or shine warm, maternal love but always warm.Mother love is simple, consistent, silent care, quiet attention;Mother love is great, does not ask for return, the gurgling flow, continuous.Mother's day, may my dear mother take care and be happy!

9、just put a giftsintosthe mail. I hope it reaches you in time for Mother's Day . Have a very happy Mother's Day. I wish I could be there to share it with you.

10、our lifetime, be filial piety you old, happy mother's day!

11、mom, thank you for being you.

12、The wind is the call of love, the rain is love, love your people the most

13、Through qianshan mountain, see again water, bittersweet taste, taste five Chen miscellaneous, longitudinal, still with filar silk of caring heart, bad ear nagging voice, not see the town in my hometown, mother's day is coming, dear mother, you always be my deepest love, wish you a healthy body, all the best.

14、there may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me.

15、A greeting, a blessing;A kinship, a heart;A holiday, a missing;A piece of care, always kind;One time, wish mother a happy holiday, a lifetime of happiness, I wish!

16、may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.

17、will try to make this your best Mother’s Day ever.

18、Mother love is a dense rain, moistening the life of the field;Mother's love is the warm spring breeze, blowing the years of the sky;Mother love is a warm harbor, caring for the drifting ship;Mother love is the fragrance of flowers, diffuse far away;A mother's love is a moving scenery, a comforting and growing soul.Mother's day, may my dear mother always be young and happy!


19、The heart is imprinted with the mother's love, growing up with the mother's care, the journey linked to the mother's missing.Mother is the desire to go home, mother is the course of the heart.Happy mother's day!

20、don't take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom. Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.

21、figure, dedicated to all the great mother, wish all mothers in the world can be

22、The wind and rain outside tormenting me, the house under the warm sun warm I, because of the room with you, I love you mom, forever! The QingDeng of childhood, your story, and my laughter!

23、mother's love is a dose of magic potion, can soothe hurt; A mother's love is

24、Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother's Day.

25、Years dyed your hair, the vicissitudes carve your cheek, time reflects your mood, time writing your priceless, sunset you wait me to return home, deep and remote light you is full of blessings, you start to wash in the morning, you in your life to support the family.Growth drop, everywhere is your god shadow charm, life track, full is your silent giving!Mother's day is here. May you always be happy and healthy.

26、In the world, the best food is "mother's food", the most beautiful is "mother's call", the warmest is "mother's thoughts", the warmest is "mother's face".Mother's day, deep thoughts and sincere wishes: may mother peace and health happiness for a hundred years!Every day sky blue bloom smiling face!

27、you, although you dozen I scold I ignore me, but I know you in the world the

28、here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.

29、your holiday. Mom, thank you! You were laborious! Will do my best to repay you

30、more beautiful carnation than to save her heart;Sweet words are better than home.It is better to give your mother love than to give her precious jewels.On mother's day, I wish you all the best in the world.

31、happy and healthy!

32、Laundry cooking housework, busy all day without rest figure, unknown to public complaints never, for the son for the female life simple, mother on the occasion of the festival, children send sincere blessing I wish: mom, happy holidays!

33、Without water, the fish would not live.Flowers will not bloom without light.Without you, there would be no my present;Thank you, my favorite mother.Today mother's day, bless you: wish you happiness and health!

34、A kind of care, not at any time light passing;A true feeling does not fade with time;A kind of care, does not shrink with distance.Today mother's day, change me to take care of you: make you happy content, mother!

35、The sun is the most red, the mother love is the most pure, the mother is the most, the mother's affection is higher than the sea depth, a few days, the blessing, the mother's children heart.On mother's day, I wish our mother live as long as the southern mountain.

36、may not often say it, but I do love you.


37、Your comfort is like dew that moistens my heart;Your body is like a shelter from the wind to shelter me from the wind.Your love is like a rainbow of colors, weaving beautiful dreams and fairy tales for me.On this mother's day, I want to say to you: my mother wishes you a long and healthy life, happy still!

38、There is a kind of love not asking for a return, when you succeed, she will quietly walk away;There is a kind of love, with your life, when you are tired, she will always extend her arm, this is maternal love.Mother's day is here, I wish my favorite mother a happy holiday!Happy ankang!

39、The sky is white clouds, overflowing with my missing, with the wind to send to you, my deep blessing: thank you for your kindness, let me healthy and happy growth;Thanks to your inculpation, let me be happy and lucky, my mother!

40、Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother's Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death.

41、Looked at the mother a little bit of white hair, a pair of a line by increasingly deep wrinkles, over the years, almost all my adult mothers in this belongs to your festival, please accept my deepest wish for you: happy holidays, young forever!

42、Mother, your temples are white years, your forehead is the time carving, your hands are the work cast, between heaven and earth, maternal love the most selfless, the world, maternal love the most eternal.Wish mother safe and healthy, happy forever, happy mother's day!

43、This love, the years cannot change;This love, time is difficult to cut;This love, the mountain cannot block;This love, the wind and rain cannot cover.Between heaven and earth, only maternal love is selfless devotion;In this world, only maternal love is eternal.Mother's day, pray for the most effective, may dear mother happy not worry, healthy people well-being, happiness accompany to the old!

44、mother's love, I want to speak with flowers, tell my gratitude for his

45、Peace I hope health grasped your hand, hold your waist, happiness around

46、It took me so many years to know that you are the one who loves me most, mom.I wish you a healthy and happy life.

47、Without the sun, flowers can't be bright and open.Without a mother, we cannot grow happily.The sheep has the right to kneel, the crow has the filial piety;On mother's day, don't forget to send a message to your mother.Happy mother's day.

48、Mother love like water, fragrant intoxicated, quiet and secluded, ning and far, small trickling, the baptism of our happiness, accompanied by us through the life of the desert.Mother's day is coming, and don't forget to give warm wishes to your dear mother!

49、Mother is a thick book, is not love, Syria is not over of affection, say a is grateful, take not to go is memory, read the serial is a mother's love. I wish my mother happy holidays!

50、If I were rich, you are the mom of big money. If I were President, you are

51、We may not be angels all of the time, butwe do apPciate what you do。

52、bar; My joy is in your corner of the tail; My success is on your lips dimples,

53、The greatest voice in the world is the call of mother!Why don't you take advantage of mother's day and help your parents grow old and walk away?Happy parents' day!


miss; Raise your hand, total PanEr peace; This is a mother's love, mother's day,~~你在找类似的句子吗?经过收集,小编为您献上母亲节贺卡祝福语句精选,欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人!


1、Day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no

2、Mama: in order to I you black hair turned white, painstakingly. Today is




6、Hang up a little and go home often;More time, often accompany her chat;Have more spare time, often make some delicious food;More attachment, often accompany her;More greetings, more frequent information;Wish all mothers a happy holiday.

7、Roses are red,violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for

8、We may not be angels all of the time, butwe do apPciate what you do。


10、day and night is, that no time to miss too many holiday, I wish you a happy

11、happy and healthy!

12、Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on

13、Looked at the mother a little bit of white hair, a pair of a line by increasingly deep wrinkles, over the years, almost all my adult mothers in this belongs to your festival, please accept my deepest wish for you: happy holidays, young forever!

14、Write a warm poetry, sang a moving song, painting a picture of the fresh

15、most painful I love I care about me! No other meaning, just want to say: mom,

16、I will be thinking of you on this Mother's Day. Thanks,mom.

17、There may be moms all over the world, butyou’re the only one that matters to me。

18、return. Mother's day, wish mother always shine with the brilliance of the

19、You are a big tree, the spring is leaning on your imagination, summer is leaning against you luxuriant, autumn leaning you mature, winter leaning on your meditation.


20、A mother's love is a cup of wine, warm and warm heart;A mother's love is a cup of tea, pure and fresh love priceless;Mother love is a cup of water, clear and transparent comfort!Happy mother's day, I love you deeply!

21、Without you, without me, I would not have the sadness of dozens of cold summers, nor the laughter of my spring, summer, autumn and winter, thank you for giving me all the good things and growth in my life.Happy mother's day!

22、mother's blood and flesh; A mother's love, I want to use candlelight blessing,

23、matters to me.

24、reflect on the mother's hands; How many tired, characterizations in mother's

25、Destined to stick on you at the first sight, I was destined to stick on

26、In thousands of miles, greetings are like the sounds of nature.Care in the heart, blessing like honey.A thousand miles away, a mother's love blossoms.A mother's love is always in her memory.Mother's day comes, may mother always safe and healthy happiness!

27、The wind is the call of love, the rain is love, love your people the most


29、A mountain without a mother's love;A sea without a mother's love;The sky, without the mother's love wide;The earth, without the mother's love tolerance;The sun, no mother's love is warm;I wish you a happy holiday and health and happiness.I love your mother!

30、to, again familiar also wish mom: happy mother's day!

31、The wind is the call of love,the rain is love,love your people the most to worry about the people you will always be your mother!To six friends,your mother will be very safe!Don't slack off,worth for my mother!Happy mother's day.

32、mother youth!

33、Home, again far also want a phone call, again brief also send text messages

34、The day lily is on the doorstep.There are no daylily flowers in front of the mother.Send the best wishes for mother's day!


36、You usher in the spring of life,came the birth of your son;You carry the thick of life,the crystallization of love;Your contribution to the human reproduction,reward:a message like testimonials,wish mother festival happiness,will love to continue.

37、妈妈,谢谢您给予我如此灿烂美好的生命!i love you forever!2. 给爱插上翅膀,来到你的身旁,带去我深深的牵挂,我不能每天陪在您身边,只希望您能快乐健康又平安,妈妈,您辛苦了,祝您母亲节快乐!

38、happy together.


39、Leaving his trouble, gave me happy; The hard left, gave me happiness; Leave

40、If I were rich, you are the mom of big money. If I were President, you are

41、Thanks for being there,mom. Happy Mother's Day.


43、What is great is that my mother is ordinary;It is my mother who is very naughty.It's my mother who sent me a text message!Ha ha, mom is so good!I love you!Happy mother's day!

44、I don’t take the time to tell you this often,but I love you,mom.


46、Mom, you are a big tree, I'm a leaf in the tree; You are a bunch of

47、happiness, will love to continue.

48、my dearest mother!

49、Life is so wonderful, it feels wonderful;The blood is called together, and they depend on each other.For your sincere joy, good luck to arrive in time.I wish you a very good pregnancy and a happy hug.Mom, happy mother's day!


51、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us.Thank you.

52、Hope I can in this festival said to mother: mom, you were laborious, son in

53、A mountain without a mother's love;A sea without a mother's love;The sky, without the mother's love wide;The earth, without the mother's love tolerance;The sun, no mother's love is warm;Let's wish our mother happy and healthy!



56、mother's day!

57、miss; Raise your hand, total PanEr peace; This is a mother's love, mother's day,