





● Will is poe is pooes before a fall.

● Reading makes a full man.

● Many hands make light ht-style: dotted; border-top-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />




A Slap on the Wrist:

A very mild punishment.

Against The Clock:

Rushed and short on time.

An Axe To Grind:

To have a dispute >A Leopard Can't Change His Spots:

You cannot change >As High As A Kite:

Anything that is high up in the sky.

At The Drop Of A Hat:

Willing to do something immediately.

A Dime A Dozen:

Anything that is common and easy to get.

An Arm And A Leg:

Very expensive. A large amount of money.

Apple of My Eye:

Someone >All In The Same Boat:

When everyone is facing the same challenges.



1.Napolean himself baby. 即使是拿破仑,过去也是啼哭的婴孩。

2.Nature abhors a vacuum. 自然界里是没有真空的。

3.Nature has given us tue, to the end that lass reflecting truth. 大自然是反映真理的一面镜子。

5.Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies. 自然教我们爱朋友,宗教却教我们爱敌人。

6.Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians. 自然,时间和耐心,是三大伟大的医生。

7.Nature hty boys sometimmmes make good men. 顽皮淘气的男孩子有时成为仁人君子。

9.Necessity and oportunity may make a colect of health is doctor's . 行善莫厌烦。

17.Never cackle till your egg is laid. 事竟成,才声张。

18.Never cast dirt into that fountain of s by halves. 做事情不要半途而废。

20.Never embark on mastered oes before. 如未掌握好已学过的东西,切莫从事更深的学习。



● As busy as a bee.

● Tit for tat.

● Years bring hs the gain.

● The survival of the fittest.

● The outlook sees the games best.

● The spector sees most clearly.

● A pet lamp makes a cross ram.

● A man does not live only by bread.

● Dvery one has his taste.

● Dvery rose has its thorn.

● Dveryone is equal.



● Health is above ht-style: dotted; border-top-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />

● Never judge by appear-ances.【中文译文】:人不可貌相。

● An idle youth, a needy age.【中文译文】:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

● One today is ether.【中文译文】:物以类聚。

● Each age offers its oht-style: dotted; border-top-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted" color="#999999" size="1" />