






2、May this National Day be a joyous celebration of our country's achievements, aspirations, and potential!

3、May our country continue to shine bright and make its mark in the world in positive ways!

4、Celebrating the pride and spirit of our nation on National Day!

5、Let us come together as a nation and celebrate our shared dreams and aspirations!

6、May the spirit of unity and togetherness bring us closer as we celebrate this special day!



9、Let us honor the sacrifices made by our forefathers to make our nation what it is today!

10、May you have a happy and glorious National Day!

11、Happy retirement! May this new chapter of your life be filled with relaxation and enjoyment. 退休快乐!愿你人生的新篇章充满放松和享受。

12、Halloween launch my company, I am proud of my Buffy, I am proud of my carnival activities, fun Halloween activities is a good friend to you this sentence shout three hundred times. 万圣节期间我公司正式推出,我捉鬼我自豪,我狂欢我骄傲活动,活动内容是将万圣节快乐这句话对你的好朋友大声喊三百遍!


14、Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success。and joy of seeing your dreams come true。It’s such a pleasure to have a special。reason to congratulate you。祝你学成毕业!愿你前程似锦,事事如愿以偿。今日贺君有因,倍感欣慰欢畅!

15、Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here。May your memories today be warm ones。May your dreams today be dear。may your joy last through the year。愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!

16、Let’s proudly display our national colours and symbols on National Day!


18、May China's success and prosperity continue to inspire us on this National Day and beyond!





22、Congratulations on the arrival of your baby! May parenthood bring you much love and fulfillment. 祝贺你的宝宝降生!愿为人父母带给你很多爱和满足感。

23、Let us honor our country's past, embrace the present, and aspire towards a brighter future!

24、Best wishes on your wedding day! May love and joy follow you throughout your marital journey. 祝你婚礼快乐!愿爱和喜悦一直伴随你的婚姻之路。

25、May peace and prosperity be with China on this auspicious National Day!

26、Happy National Day, a day to celebrate our rich history and glorious future!



29、Happy National Day, let us honor the heroes who sacrificed for our country!

30、May our country continue to be a strong and prosperous nation that serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to the world! 愿我们的国家继续成为一支强大和繁荣的国家,为世界带来希望和启示!

31、it's halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! hope it's lit up with smiles for you! happy halloween!

32、Best wishes for a successful business venture! May your efforts lead to prosperity and fulfillment. 祝你创业成功!愿你的努力带来繁荣和成就。

33、Here's wishing our country more progress, prosperity, and success on this National Day and beyond!


35、Wishing you and your family a joyful, prosperous, and blessed National Day celebration!

36、Let's remember the struggles of our forefathers on National Day as we celebrate our freedom and democracy.

37、Happy National Day, may the glory of China shine forever!

38、Best wishes for a joyous and memorable National Day celebration with your loved ones!


40、Happy National Day! Let’s unite for a better tomorrow!

41、Happy 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! 祝中华人民共和国成立70周年快乐!